Take Lessons from Every Life Experience

When your faith makes you alive and intellectually awakened, you begin to take lessons from everything. You draw nectar from everything, just as the honeybee takes nectar from flowers. This divine provision is nothing mysterious. It is a necessary result of your intellectual awakening. When there is intellectual awakening, you will necessarily have these experiences.

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When a person spends his life in this world, he faces many experiences and has many observations. Many situations themselves present before him. If his mind is active during these experiences, he will make them a point of reference to draw lessons. He will take divine provision from them. He will grow closer to God through them. Just as a honeybee draws nectar from the flower, you can extract divine lessons from every experience. The Quran says: وَرِزْقُ رَبِّكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَى (20.131) What is divine provision? There is nothing mysterious about it. Rizq-e-rabb, or divine provision, is not anything mysterious. When your faith makes you alive and intellectually awakened, you begin to take lessons from everything. You draw nectar from everything, just as the honeybee takes nectar from flowers. This divine provision is nothing mysterious. It is a necessary result of your intellectual awakening. When there is intellectual awakening, you will necessarily have these experiences.

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